Social services and counseling

According to § 102 paragraph. 3 point. e) Act. 131/2002 Z. of. on universities and amendments as stated by the Accreditation Commission, the right was granted to VSMPO ISM Slovakia in Prešov to award the academic degree of Bachelor to graduates of full-time and part-time study of 3-year bachelor study programme Social Services and Counselling in the field of study 3.1 16. Social Services and Counselling.

Proposed number of accepted students: 80 full-time study, 80 part-time study

Tuition fees: 425 € / semester

Why to Study This Study Programme? Because It Is:


Since 1st January, in Slovakia, a new law on social services has been valid, which defines standards and training requirements for persons working in the field of social services.


The first and until now the unique study programme of its kind in Slovakia, with the preference on individual client-focused approach in accordance with the latest trends in the EU.


Teaching is provided by qualified teachers and experts from practice.


Students can pursue professional practice under the supervision of experienced staff in social care institutions in the East Slovakia, the best ones also abroad.


Students can complete the part of their studies at the partner universities abroad.


A student may choose the pace of study themselves for up to a period of 5 years.

The graduates:

- Socio-legal consultant (in Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, in the commercial sector, in the third sector …)
- Probation officer (in social affairs and family departments of  local government institutions – counselling on raising children and recommendations to courts on decision about further children raising …)
- Specialised personal consultant (in Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family, recruitment agencies …)
- Ergotherapist (in educational and rehabilitation facilities, in social care homes …)
- Manager at the middle management level (in social service facilities and institutions, orphanages, homes for the elderly, asylum-type institutions …).